Friday, February 5, 2010

A Table for Two

Tonight I had a very special date! Patrick and I went out to dinner. At first he said he wanted to go to Pei Wei, but after I told him Pei Wei didn't have any good desserts he changed his mind. Patrick said he wanted to go anywhere that had chocolate cake! So to Sonoma Grill we went. Mom could enjoy a very nice dinner, and Patrick would get his chocolate cake. It would be a real date--just the two of us!

All the way to the restaurant he complained about how Dad and Adam would probably have more fun than us--things weren't looking so good. But once we sat down and I let him order a coke, the fun was on!

He ordered a cheese pizza, and I ordered the Ahi tuna. Whenever I gave the waiter my order, Patrick replied, "Ooh yuck, tuna is for cats, Mom!"

During dinner we talked about important things, like what he'll be for Halloween this year--Anakin Skywalker! And about his best friends at school: Addison and Mariah. Both of them are girls. He's very upset because he and Addison were friends last year, and now Addison and Mariah are friends. And he claims that Addison does everything Mariah tells her. At that moment my heart was breaking for him. I think he has a secret crush on Addison!

After dinner we ordered the chocolate mousse cake with ganache, and he ate the whole thing.

We both left very happy. And on the way to the car, he said "Mom this was a lot more fun that I thought it would be!"

And then on the way home, he told me he wanted to learn how to "beatbox" better. We spend a lot of afternoons watching Electric Company, and he has grown fond of rap music. And then stupid me, promised him I would teach him! I must have forgotten that I am a white mom from the suburbs!

1 comment:

  1. That is hilarious! I want to see your beatbox performance....I'm gonna hold you to it!
