Sunday, January 31, 2010

This is Adam's video that he made this morning. All of the art work is done by him, but Dad did help him "white out" a mistake that terribly grieved Adam. You'll see what I'm talking about in the video. Thank goodness for White Out!

All of the music is provided by Adam. When he gets to Yoda, the green round figure, he begins singing Weird Al Yankovick's (sp?) Yoda song.

Also another important need to cock your head to the left to better understand the action. We could not rotate the video. And notice that each of the figures are holding the correct color light saber. A true Star Wars fan would notice this.

Here is what's happening in Adam's own words...

It's Darth Vadar and he says, "don, don, don...." (the darth vadar song) Well he loses. and then he fights Yoda, and Yoda wins. And then Luke fights too and he wins.


  1. The video says it is "Not available. Try again later." Regardless, from the description I can imagine the action. Cracks me up and makes me proud. Can't figure out if they are the future Lucas/Spielberg or Coen brothers.

    I will indeed try again later as I am sure it is well worth it.

  2. Holy smokes! Adam is right on key with the tune. So how man...hundred times did you say he has seen Star Wars?
