Thursday, March 3, 2011

Class Christmas Parties

December, the time for class parites! Here is Adam after his Christmas Concert. He was so excited to see his dad in the crowd.

Back in the classroom we celebrated preschool style--juiceboxes and cookies.

Adam is our collector. And he was most excited about collecting the shiny confetti on the tables.
This is Grant, his friend that also loves Bionocles.

He is really beginning to love to color.

Adam and his friend Ben exchanging books.

Adam with his gingerbread man. He made his with a frown because he said that his man knows he is about to get eaten.

Patrick with his kindergaten class at Wellington. Here is Patrick and his buddies: Grant, Jonathon, and Brenden.

Patrick loves sitting next to Grant. Everyday we hear all about Grant.

Mom and Mrs. Holly are the room moms. Our party was snow theme, so here is Patrick having a snowball relay against Peyton.

Patrick giving Mrs. Galloway her Christmas gift. He is really loving kindergarten and Mrs. Galloway!

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